
Women’s Dialogue “Voices from the Grassroots” promoting social cohesion in South Africa

The International Organization for Migration within the framework of the Migration Multi Partner Trust Fund Joint Programme in collaboration with Freedom Park will hosted a women’s dialogue under the theme Voices from the Grassroots” promoting Social Cohesion and Peace building in South Africa. 

The dialogue took place on 09 November 2022 at Freedom Park Museum in Pretoria.  The dialogue was hosted under the United Nations Pilot Project for Strengthening Migrant Integration and Social Cohesion through Stakeholders’ Engagement, Socio-Economic Activities and Countering Anti- Migrant Narratives in South Africa. The dialogue created a platform for sharing experiences by women from different social economic groups from Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, and Western Cape.

Government representatives from the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture participated and the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development facilitated the dialogue. The Joint Programme directly responds to the government’s efforts to strengthen social harmony, cultural diversity within the community as reflected in the National Action Plan (NAP) to Combat Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance and its Implementation Plan launched in March 2019.

It seeks to promote social cohesion through different community engagements to mitigate violence targeting foreign nationals, racism, discrimination, and other intolerances to achieve a cohesive and peaceful society. It also responds to the National Development Plan (NDP) 2030, Chapter 15 whose focus is on transforming society and uniting the country by reinforcing social inclusion and peaceful coexistence between migrants and their South African host communities. Women living in South Africa working together to promote social cohesion in their communities were invited and provided a platform to show case the work they are doing to improve their livelihoods.

For Enquiries: Ms Reneilwe Moningi, email: