
IOM South Africa hosts Multistakeholder Engagement on Cross Border Migration Management

IOM under the African Regional Migration Program (ARMP) supported the South Africa - Zimbabwe Beitbridge Cross Border Migration Management Stakeholders Forum (CBMMSF) at Musina Lodge, Limpopo Province. The meeting which was co-chaired by the South African Department of Home Affairs and Zimbabwean Department of Immigration discussed migration management issues and explored mutually agreements and beneficial solutions to migration management challenges encountered by the two countries. IOM South Africa Chief of Mission, Ms Lily Sanya gave the opening remarks on behalf of IOM. Representatives from both Governments (South Africa and Zimbabwe) - Department of Social Development, Department of Health, Police Services, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Doctors Without Borders, Save the Children, Consular General of Zimbabwe to South Africa and the local municipalities on both sides of the Beitbridge Border Post.

For more information please contact Reneilwe Moningi,

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals