
Stakeholder consultation on the role of Community Police Forums in the National Action Plan to Combat Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and related Intolerance

The International Organisation for Migration within the framework of Migration Multi Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) in collaboration with the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DOJ&CD) and the Africa Police Civilian Oversight Forum (APCOF) brought together Provincial Community Policing Forum Boards and Provincial South African Police Services (SAPS) representatives, to engage on the role that Community Police Board and Forums can play in the Rapid Response Mechanism.

In her open speech, Ms Lily SANYA – Chief of Mission for IOM South Africa said that “the engagements provide an opportunity for IOM to bring together government, community organizations and the civil society to engage on issues that are of urgency in government”.

The initiative is in line with the Terms of Reference and core objectives of the Rapid Response Mechanism, and further responds to the President’s State of the Nation Address to strengthen the role of Community Police Boards and Forums as well as the recommendation of the Panel of Experts’ report into the July 2021 riots regarding the need to strengthen the capacity of Community Police Boards and Forums in early warning, mediation, conflict management and peacebuilding.

“It is encouraging to see the CPFs being incorporated in the National Action Plan to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance because they work directly in communities, therefore they make significant contribution in dealing with conflicts and also are able identify problems before they happen to help craft better solutions towards safer communities.” – said Major – General Thokozani MATHONSI - SAPS.

The Provincial Community Police Boards committed to facilitate the survey that will allow for the triangulation of the risk factors identified by Community Police Forums which include the ability of the at-risk communities to respond to threats and violence against non-nationals and other priority groups as defined by the NAP.

“The Community Policing Forum plays a vital role in ensuring that there is fairness across the board within the parameters of the laws to ensure that everyone is safe” – Said Mr Jacob Masilela, representative from National Community Policing Forum Board.

The commitment undertaken also reinforces the principle that the implementation of the NAP is anchored around mutually accountable multi-disciplinary partnerships involving different sectors of society and improved collaboration between government and civil society.


For more information – Reneilwe Moningi: