
Providing Medical Escort Services to Medically Unfit Zimbabwean Returnees

Providing Medical Escort Services to Medically Unfit Zimbabwean Returnees

In the past three years IOM in Zimbabwe has been providing medical escort services to irregular migrants returning from South Africa and Botswana.  More than 140 migrants have been assisted, recovering from varied medical conditions ranging from severe physical injuries sustained from car accidents or work related accidents, HIV and AIDS as well as psychiatric disorders. Medical escort services are also provided to women in the last trimester of pregnancy.

In most cases where IOM has provided medical escort assistance, the migrants had either developed the medical condition while in the host country or an existing condition had worsened, due to lack of continued medical treatment in the host country. Recent research by IOM found that irregular migrants face particular health vulnerabilities in that they generally avoid accessing health services in the host country because they fear being turned away or even deported by authorities.  As a result, they may delay seeking treatment for otherwise treatable conditions until it is too late.

On the other hand, the economic situation in Zimbabwe has negatively affected social services such as health. As a result, some nationals have migrated to neighbouring countries in search of better health care.  In most instances however, it is poor health in host countries that lead to migrants desiring to return home for family and social support.

IOM in Zimbabwe operates two Reception and Support Centres in Beitbridge and Plumtree, which receive returned irregular migrants from South Africa and Botswana. The centres provide humanitarian support to migrants in the form of food, temporary shelter and family tracing/reunification for protection cases, HIV and AIDS and counter-trafficking information.  In specific cases both centres also provide primary health care and psychosocial support for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence through referral to other health service providers. Fitness-for-travel medical screenings are also conducted and those who are not medically fit but stable enough not to warrant immediate hospitalisation are escorted by IOM nurses, in line with the IOM policy on assisted movement’s guidelines. In coordination with the relevant ministries for Immigration and Social Services in South Africa and Zimbabwe, IOM facilitates family tracing and reintegration processes, and ensures that the family is informed and willing to accept the returnee, prior to their respective movements.

Axe’s Story:

Axe* is a beneficiary who was assaulted by Botswana law enforcement agents for a crime he later was acquitted for. He sustained injuries of both feet which were both grossly swollen and could not walk unaided. IOM provided him with medical escort to his home and loaned him a wheel chair to assist him during rehabilitation at his home town as he could not walk. His condition has since improved as he can now walk using one crutch. He was referred to the local district hospital where he was admitted for a month.

Bee’s Story:

Bee* is a young man in his mid-twenties. He left Zimbabwe 4 years ago to work in South Africa. Although undocumented, he earned enough money doing informal jobs and settled well in South Africa. He was involved in a freak accident while conducting an electrical job in a private residence and suffered third degree burns to both his lower and upper limbs. His right arm and left leg were subsequently amputated and he also suffered deformities to his fingers, some of which were amputated as well. He spent almost one year in a Johannesburg hospital recovering from operations and undergoing physiotherapy. When he was ready to be discharged, there was nobody willing to take him in and he opted to return to Zimbabwe. This proved difficult as he had not maintained any family ties back home. IOM assisted in tracking down his family and successfully reunited him with his mother who has agreed to take care of him.